Tax of the Kibbutzim & Moshavim sector

Tax of the Kibbutzim & Moshavim sector

The tax department for the settlement sector, headed by Mr. Eyal Fishbain, has vast experience in a variety of tax issues unique to Kibbutzim and Moshavim, thus assisting and updating the professional knowledge and expertise of all the tax cluster departments at the firm.

Tax services for the settlement sector includes:

  • An innovative simulator and optimal planning for the tax and social security structure for the Renewed Kibbutz and Cooperative Kibbutz
  • Editing and submitting the tax reports of the Kibbutz and the corporations under its control, tax refunds and ongoing assistance with the Tax Authorities
  • Consulting and preparation of tax reports for entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals, according to their form of incorporation: partnerships, companies, associations
  • Planning, consulting and representing the Kibbutz in hearings for income tax assessments, social security, deductions and VAT
  • Tax support for complex transactions - real estate, acquisitions and mergers
  • Representing the Kibbutz in front of the Tax Authorities in restructuring procedures (including tax decisions)
  • Special permits 
  • Incentives and grants - Innovation Authority (R&D) grants, investment center, European Union funds, approved enterprise and beneficiary enterprise
  • Consulting in international tax to the Kibbutz and its enterprises
Eyal Fishbain

Eyal Fishbain

Partner, in the Manufacturing and Agricultural Cluster and the Tax Cluster
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