Business and Competitive landscape Analyses

Information supports decision-making: it narrows the field of uncertainty and the extent of speculation involved in choosing a course of action, creates opportunities to move in new directions, and ultimately improves the quality of decisions and the business results of these decisions.

In today's dynamically shifting reality, information is all the more crucial. Managers committed to taking growth opportunities and applying informed risk management need solid information about the business and competitive environment they are navigating.

  • Business landscape analysis: Analyses of markets, industries, and technologies – Size, key players, leading products, technologies in use, trends, demand, and more.
  • Competitive landscape: Growth vectors, business models, business operations, financial position, marketing and HR strategy, technologies in use, organizational structure, and more.
  • Benchmark research: Comparative studies to identify best practices (business models, work processes, and more).

We offer competitive and business landscape studies at the highest level, relevant to any organizational field and business mission. Our services rely on a wealth of unparalleled research experience; unique AI/ML technologies to gather, extract, and analyze data; and access to both extensive databases and the invaluable knowledge of BDO's local and global expert network, which encompasses content areas relevant to every business industry and sector in and outside Israel.

Ofer Guterman

Ofer Guterman

Director of the Intelligence, Research and Trends Unit, Corporate Governance and Regulation Division
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