Ilan Maor
The investment banking unit leads mergers and acquisition (M&A) transactions, and provides assistance to private investors, institutional investors and private and public companies in both the domestic and international markets.
The unit is manned by a team with substantial and varied experience in sectors such as: M&A, business development, strategic consulting and corporate funding. The unit is also closely acquainted with top-notch investors and companies, including thousands of the consulting firm's customers. The unit offers a portfolio of integrative services for executing a transaction - from deal sourcing through planning, implementation and closing.
As part of the global BDO network, the investment banking unit offers its customers access to a unique international platform and exposure to investments, opportunities and transactions in various industries worldwide through BDO branches. The network is spread across more than 150 countries globally, including Europe, U.S.A., China, India and others.
Deep involvement in the process and close acquaintance with the needs of the customer are a significant factor in the success of a transaction. Our ability to offer guidance throughout the entire process – strategic planning, assistance with due diligence, accounting, taxation and, wherever necessary, debt-raising – creates structured process with high value add.
BDO’s quarterly global mid-market M&A review. Each quarter we analyze global mid-market deal activity across a number of major regions and selected sectors around the world; we offer you a satellite view of how the M&A market is evolving – and where it appears to be heading. bdohorizons.com
Ilan Maor
Anat Bernstein Reich
Moti Dattelkramer