The business world today is constantly changing, and so is the regulatory environment.  In all of these, finding a reliable service is of primary importance. BDO Technology Advisory varies from other entities through the proficiency it has acquired over the years.  This includes assessing, advisory service and approval of activities managed by the service bureaus.

As a global network, BDO can assure the service bureau that reports which customers anywhere in the world may receive, will be compiled according to any professional standard required for the service bureau's objective.

We will provide the following types of reports:

ISAE 3402 reports

SOC 1 reports (according to SSAE16 US Standard) for a service bureau that provides services connected with its customers financial reporting.


SOC 2 reports, offering convenient network access to trusted and protected systems.

SOC 3 reports, constituting a quality seal for Internet sites and cloud services directed at the wide public, and wanting to dispel customers' concern over loss of  data or harm to their privacy.

We at BDO Technology Advisory will help you identify and define the type of report required for your customers, and to present it most effectively.