Hospitality leisure & Sport

Hospitality leisure & Sport


A variety of professional consulting and audit services for tourism, culture, sports, and leisure segments supported by a professional advising forum from our firm.


Advanced services from BDO

We specialize in providing ongoing support, consulting and implementation services to leading clients in the hotel industry, aviation and museums in Israel. BDO's International and local deployment, with a wide geographical spread of branches, produces high availability and proximity to the client. Our wide range of consulting services include external audit services, internal audit, tax, ongoing support and consulting, tailor made to the specific needs of our clients. For decades, the firm has provided services to various clients in tourism, culture, sports, and leisure.


Among the services provided by the firm to clients in the fields of tourism, culture, sports, and leisure

Audit services, including financial statements, internal audit

Tax services, including early tax planning, VAT, deductions, and real estate tax

Information systems services

Preparation of opinions in the fields of accounting, taxes, and other professional fields

Planning of marketing strategy, branding, creative and digital

Managing guest relationships, personal acquaintance dialogue, and satisfaction.

CX, eCommerce, Data, and Martech Develop digital capabilities

Loyalty, Marketing Automation

Strategy and processes - innovation, new business models, and building a Digital Road map

Risk management, including conducting surveys, institutionalizing processes, writing procedures, and more



Michal Avihai Gaon

Michal Avihai Gaon

Customer Management – Head of Hospitality, Wellness & Care Division
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